I'm in a trio called Stone Company. We launched an album right as the Covid Shutdown was starting...our time could not have been worse, but we still got a pretty good response from our fans and supporters. This video was taken from scratch footage I shot while we were making the film. I didn't think I'd every use the footage, but it came in handy for this project.
This short film trailer is a collaboration with my friend Mike McTeer. We teamed up one day while and Cathie McCormick and Bonnie Dunn were firing their Raku ceramic-ware to document their process, honor their creativity and highlight their ongoing annual collaborative exhibition called "Women Who Play With Fire". The full length film will be screened in August of 2020.
HANDS-ON-LEARNING IS THE BEST!: Kanab Nativity Restoration from Joshua Baird on Vimeo.
A group of Kanab High School students help restore a community nativity set. The set was purchased by funds raised by Kanab citizens over 33 years ago. The set will be on display through the month of December on the lawn of the LDS church on Highway 89, a few blocks South of Highway 89A/89B junction.
I got to ride along as the art instructor on this San Juan river trip with Kanab High school students. Every teen should have the opportunity to go on a trip like this without it breaking their parent's bank account. Students were so engaged, observant and attentive. They were much more inclined to take an interest in subjects like botany, poetry, watercolor and conservation in this environment than they would ever be in a classroom.
More than 40 Kanab High School Students have restored their community’s life-size nativity set over the past several months.
The Nativity project was directed by the school’s art teacher, Joshua Baird. Baird says the set would cost approximately $6,000 to replace, but was only about $600 to restore. Ultimately though, Baird says this endeavor was more valuable than any savings. Go to KUER.org to read more. Another early film. I think this one was made on a DSLR before I understood the relationship between f/stops and depth of field...
This was one of the first films I ever made. It was filmed entirely on a handheld Go Pro with no LCD display. I'm not sure if I was aware of warp stabilizer at the time, apologies in advance for the shakiness!
My friend Laurel Anderson and I made these videos to promote a local festival of arts, culture and landscape. I learned a ton about production, interviewing, editing and so much more. I love working with Laurel, she's always the consummate professional. Another friend and talented musician, Arvel Bird, allowed us to use his music for these videos free of charge.
Arvel's website: arvelbird.com |
October 2021