I play in a "groove oriented acoustic roots trio" called Stone Company. We just released our first album on all music streaming platforms. You can learn more at www.stonecompanymusic.com Jon Stone, the lead vocalist came up with the idea of a banjo shaped balloon. I imagined a bunch of pirates in banjo shaped balloons attacking the deserts of Southern Utah and came up with the album art you see above.
Liz Adair is a prolific author and Whitney Award Winner living in Kanab. I got to know Liz and her husband Derrill while we were all trying ot figure out how to raise funds to build a skatepark for local teens. The Adairs were imensely helpful, and probably never got the credit they deserved for the work they did researching costs and developing strategies for our skatepark committee. I've done some quick book cover jobs for Liz, including the Spider Lathim Mystery Series above. But the title and chapter page illustrations below were the most fun and renewed my love for pen and ink drawing: The little drawings below were used on the chapter pages...
crowdengine booth video from Joshua Baird on Vimeo.
I really enjoyed the challenge of designing Crowdengine's tradeshow booth. It was a little like painting a giant painting. I based the design on the idea of fractal geometry. No matter what your distance is from the design there is something legible and informative. The large C/C logo is most visible from a distance, then the icons, then the title & subtitle, then the icon descriptions and finally the background. Crowdengine designs crowd funding software. Their website is crowdengine.com
October 2021